Friday, February 9, 2007

You Know Someone's Crazy If...

From day-to-day, I run into some weird people. Sometimes, I am amazed at the strange things that people say and do. I often question their sanity, so I've made my own checklist based on real contacts with some very odd individuals...

This list is not in any certain order. It's only my opinion, and just in case you didn't know, should not be used as a tool for diagnosing mental illnesses:)

If you say yes to 5 or more of the following statements, then craziness is likely...

~Do they continually tell you that they are NOT crazy. (A little paranoid)?

~Do they call themselves Jehovah? There might be a problem!

~Do they talk about their therapist as if he/she is a life-long friend?

~Do they think that the world is out to get them? (As if they are so important that they'd rank above everyone else on the "We're Gonna Getcha" list!

~Do they think that others are using them for their money? Well, that might be true, unless they DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!

~Do they put you in a headlock everytime you walk up behind them? (Gotta admit, that's a little weird).

~Do they say that they have lived for more than 200 years? (C.R.A.Z.Y.)!

~Do they go on periodic trips to a secret place? It could be a vacation, or it could be an institution.

~Do they get defensive when people smile at them, because they say smiling is a sign of aggression? (What the heck would laughing be)?

~Does their life closely resemble that of your favorite actor/actress? (Maybe this person needs to get a life)!

~This is my favorite... Do they think it's okay for their dog to drag its butt across someone elses carpet, but they say it's not acceptable for a child to touch the dog with candy on their hands? (Come on! I'd rather have someone wipe candy on me anytime. It beats stepping on your dog's butt germs)!

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